(Dis)functional democracy? Western values and global realites. With Bernd Reiter
About 21 countries are full democracies, about 53 flawed ones and the rest are not considered democratic, states our guest for this episode, political scientist Bernd Reiter. We talk about foreign policy and the need to pursue it in a more honest way - opposed to the self-interest with which Western nations engage in the promotion and strengthening of democratic values in places such as Afghanistan or Latin America. Also, there is quite some discontent when it comes to democracy: Recurrently and around the world, people seem to feel like they live in a democracy and yet have no real control.
<iframe width="100%" height="230" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://feeds.podcastproduzenten.de/die-kulturmittler/dis-functional-democracy-western-values-and-global-realites-with-bernd-reiter/embed/" loading="lazy" allow="autoplay *;"></iframe>
Datum: 05.05.2022 13:12 | Dauer: 23:04